bearcat events

consult. plan. execute.

lindsey collins
event consultant, HBIC
Knoxville, tn

about Me: hey there! my name is Lindsey. i’ve had 12+ years of wedding planning, public relations, catering, and service experience; all of which has allowed me to focus on my best talent: strategic event planning & execution. Born & raised in Knoxville, tn, I’m a mountain girl at heart, and though my husband and I moved to (and loved) Maine in March of 2018 to explore and grow and eat and experience the stunning New England weather, we firmly planted our roots back home in Knoxville in December of 2021. making your dream event come to life is my passion, and keeping you relaxed and assured on your important day is exactly what my job entails. head to my contact page to get your plan in motion!

Bearcat: a lively, spirited woman, possibly with a fiery streak

bearcat events represents consulting, planning, and executing of any variety of events, including but not limited to: weddings, corporate & pr functions, dinner parties, and celebrations.


Southern bride magazine [click]

Knoxville voyager magazine [click]

canvas rebel magazine [click]

ps - need me to travel? I’m so down with that!

take a gander at pricing & event details here: